Odds & Sods 2022

It's probably an ideal time to start the 2022 Odds & Sods thread off, with some squabbling starlings....

To view the 2021 thread, click HERE

This pair of starlings were having a right old go at each other, whilst another nipped in to the coconut shell for a food

  • Lovely phot Hazel. Monochrome is so often underrated

  • Michael B said:
    Monochrome is so often underrated

    Thanks Mike,   I wonder if we should have a new thread for monochrome photos, as you say, often underrated and I think b & w give a different feel to a photo where often more detail is seen when you are not seeing distracting background colours.     I guess we all have a few photos from our archives that would make for interesting b & w conversions.     Having said that, I've just commented on another post that we have too many separate threads hitting the forum.  lol.   Maybe we'll leave it for another time when forum is less busy  !  


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Unknown said:

    Michael B said:
    Monochrome is so often underrated

    Thanks Mike,   I wonder if we should have a new thread for monochrome photos, as you say, often underrated and I think b & w give a different feel to a photo where often more detail is seen when you are not seeing distracting background colours.     I guess we all have a few photos from our archives that would make for interesting b & w conversions.     Having said that, I've just commented on another post that we have too many separate threads hitting the forum.  lol.   Maybe we'll leave it for another time when forum is less busy  !  

    You're welcome.

    It's a nice idea, but I doubt it would receive much activity, and I too think it wise not to add another thread.

    I tend to share monochrome in either a visit post or Odds & Sods.

  • Not to everyone's liking, but one of natures many hoovers on the prowl.

    and the morning after......

  • Thanks Hazel, be nice to see one in their winter coat.
  • One of the many buzzard fly pasts we have here, or should that be glide past.....

  • A  few from this mornings walk out of the city and up on to the local moors in the Peaks. I think the bird is a female stonechat but not sure.

  • I agree with your stonechat Bob, and lovely she is, fab deer n hare too, ta Grin
  • Headed to the coast today and to Parkgate on the Wirral;   a male Kestrel appeared as soon as we parked up and he dived into the salt marsh and grabbed its lunch;  not sure what he caught but looked a bit bigger than a vole or bird,  Only got distant pics which I hard cropped but it was nice to see the Kestrel and also a Common Whitethroat which was singing and flitting back and forth from the grassy salt marsh to a tree by the car park.    

    Diving down into the grassy marsh when it spotted the prey 

    Common Whitethroat

    and what looks like a juvenile Stonechat

    and a carrion crow checking the picnic table in the hope of picking up a few crumbs. !!


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Lovely pics Hazy, good to get those shots of the Kestrel, and nice to see the Whitethroat which I would have mistaken for a female Chaffie if you hadn't taken good photos showing the white throat. We had wind this morning and misty rain all afternoon so you seem to have been lucky over there with the sunshine.

    Lot to learn