New Blackbird visitors

We have both been  doing more garden  watching  than usual these last few days as Chris had a positive  covid test just over 3 weeks  ago and really  not up to doing any strenuous birding away from home. We have noticed a recent  influx  of winter visitors in the last few days and wondered  if other forum  members  had noticed  any similar  movement. Things started  with new groups of Thrushes, mainly  Redwings, dropping  in feeding  for a few hours  then flying  off to be followed by other  groups a while later. At the same time we have been getting  small  flocks  of Blackbirds  into  the garden and now  we have about 30 birds all the time feeding  on local  berries  as well as using open seed feeders. Have  any of you guys noticed  any similar movement on you local  patches ?


Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • I have been so disappointed that I have had no blackbirds this year at all. Last year I had some everyday for months.

    Have been wondering where they are, and this morning I opened the curtains and was sooo excited to see a male and a female blackbird in the garden and enjoying themselves.

    I am so happy as love a blackbird...

    They were chasing each other around the garden it seemed so question is when do they start nesting etc.

    Kath xx
  • Hi Kath, I think early Spring and then they go on throughout the summer, having two or three broods, wonderful to see.

    Lot to learn