Pigeons nesting on ground?

Hi everyone! 

I recently made a post about a racing pigeon and a feral pigeon building a nest for each other outside my house where I could see them picking up sticks and happily moving them to a secluded spot on the side of a roof. 
However, a few days ago the female pigeon laid her first, then second egg but not in the nest! The pigeon laid the eggs on the ground. The area is secluded in the sense that it is surrounded by four walls so no other animals can get into the area however it is out in the open in the sense that it is not covered as there is no roof or anything when the pigeons are taking turns sat on the eggs. They also have been making a makeshift nest around the eggs but its not looking like a nest rather a pile of small sticks around the pigeon sitting on the eggs.
Firstly, I wanted to ask if this is common for pigeons? I’ve never seen a pigeon lay eggs before and certainly not on the concrete ground. 
Secondly, the weather is starting to get very cold and rainy so will this effect the pigeons as there is no cover over their makeshift nest so they will get wet. Does this mean they will abandon the eggs if it is too cold/wet? 
My final question is about the chicks (writing this I’ve realised I don’t know the word for baby pigeon!) if they are not hatched in a nest will they just be sat on the ground? This might sound silly but I assumed birds laid eggs in nests for the protection of their babies so I’m worried about the chicks being on the ground. 

Thank you for reading! 

  • Maybe little ugly squabs soon! Fingers crossed


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Strange, but then nature, and feral/town pigeons are part of nature, and nature can be very innovative when it needs to be.

    If the stairway is very quiet, like a fire exit, then it could easily be seen as a safe refuge, and possibly a ledge as well!

  • Hi everyone

    Really sad news the area the pigeons have been nesting has flooded due to some heavy rainfall. One pigeon is still trying to gather the eggs but both the eggs and the nest are under water.
    It’s too sad for me to look but my partner has said that the water is starting to drain.
    Will this immediately harm the eggs? Due to the risk of flooding all of the windows on that level floor are compression shut so we can’t get out to help.
  • Oh that is bad news Flo, can only wait to see how things pan out!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • If the eggs have been covered in water they will probably have been chilled and would not hatch now. Feral Pigeons are fairly prolific breeders so they may try again.


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • Hi my name is Ben iv just seen a pigeon nest for the first time n like urs it's just a pile of sticks it's on my balcony floore these eggs have hatched and have survived through the rainy Days even that really big downpour last week they are now nearly 3 weeks old  the strange thing is there is now a new egg n a diffrent pigeon warming it n the other two have kind of been abandoned n are hiding under my electric scooter but now it looks like the original pigeon is warming the egg so I'm thinking king that the other 1 was the male but still they don't seem to b interested in the chick that they still have I'm confused 

  • Ben martin said:

    Hi my name is Ben iv just seen a pigeon nest for the first time n like urs it's just a pile of sticks it's on my balcony floore these eggs have hatched and have survived through the rainy Days even that really big downpour last week they are now nearly 3 weeks old  the strange thing is there is now a new egg n a diffrent pigeon warming it n the other two have kind of been abandoned n are hiding under my electric scooter but now it looks like the original pigeon is warming the egg so I'm thinking king that the other 1 was the male but still they don't seem to b interested in the chick that they still have I'm confused 

    Hello Ben and welcome to the forum.

    It seems the pigeons are coping with the ground nest setup. Do you know if the pigeons are wood pigeons or feral pigeons?

    One other thing, you may not be aware this thread hasn't been visited since April 2021, but it's good to have you onboard.