Bold Robin

There is a Robin that regularly appears whenever I'm near my workshop where I fill the bird feeders and every now and then it takes a mealworm from the hand. This morning I managed some photos of the Robin taking a mealworm from my wife's hand The pictures are a bit grainy as it was early and the light was not good so had to use a very high ISO to get the shutter speed up high enough but pleased with the results none the less.

  • Our Robin is living the bachelor life now, only seeking us out for mealworms occasionally when we are in the garden, he takes 5 or 6 then is off for a while.

    He is now moulting and looks a scruffy fellow with no tail feathers, on this visit he took 7 worms before heading off.

    Best Wishes,


  • Lovely photos Trevor and certainly shows the beginning of the moult well with this tailless wonder enjoying the mealies; takes a lot of energy to moult out the old feathers and grow new ones so I'm sure this robin appreciates an easy meal to keep the energy levels up. August will probably be a quiet time in the garden as the smaller birds hunker down and keep safer whilst they replace their feathers.


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Lovely pics Trevor, glad you are still seeing your Robin. Titch too is moulting and only visits once or so a day now, but he turned up the other day and his youngster came at the same time, but Dad no longer wants to feed him, amazing how quickly life changes for them.

    Lot to learn

  • Our Bold Robin was last seen with no tail feathers and well into moulting and then we didn't see him for a couple of weeks.

    He's now back sporting fine new tail feathers and smart new back and wing feathers, just his head and neck to go. Sadly he didn't sit at quite the right angle to show of the new tail feathers but he's as friendly as ever. He will come to our friends offering the worms(even their little children) but he's a lot more cautious, with us he's straight in with no hesitation.

    Best Wishes,


  • Great to see your wee pal back again Trevor and looking almost smart again! We have not seen our fellow for a few weeks now, I hope he is going to be around again and not gone to bird heaven!

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.