Time to start this year's thread of odds and sods (Last year's Odds & Sods HERE)
Today a large flock of 40 or so Redwings descended on the fields around our local parkland and although they were pretty skittish and distant I hard cropped a few pics for you ....
and a blue tit landed nearby !
Regards, Hazel
Nige Flickr
They aren't there in winter. They only come to breed. I went at the beginning of April 2019 and they were unmissable in the reed bed pools as they had arrived but weren't yet on the nest. Fabulous birds - which is why I want to catch them again this year ... if I can.
i love robins said:how long do they stay for do you know ?
I don't know for sure but I think they should be there most of the Summer. I heard on the grapevine they have already started to arrive (but that is unconfirmed) and I guess they'll be around until at least August so plenty of time to have a look or two (hopefully). Good luck!
Found a few photos from 2019
They all landed in this tree for about five seconds then flew off
The first yellow hammer i had seen it was all alone singing
Don't you just love a nuthatch
Lot to learn