Odds & Sods 2021

Time to start this year's thread of odds and sods    (Last year's Odds & Sods HERE

Today a large flock of 40 or so Redwings descended on the fields around our local parkland and although they were pretty skittish and distant I hard cropped a few pics for you ....

and a blue tit landed nearby  !   


Regards, Hazel 

  • No pics, folks, sorry, but yesterday Mr GB discovered that the local fox seems to have nested under our shed and has 5, yes, that's five, extremely cute little cubs who are beginning to explore the far end of our garden around the shed, log pile and green house, bouncing around and playing with each other, leaping onto the odd weed, and staring back at the two strange upright mammals who are staring at them!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Linda it's a good thing you went around to read meter otherwise the poor bird would have been trapped in all night.
    Bob lovely photos as usual
    Ann, what a surprise to have five cubs at the bottom of your garden, now you will have to get a few photos for us, can't have you enjoying the sight of all their antics without us enjoying it too!!!

    Lot to learn

  • A bit tricky, Gaynor, my phone is ancient and would not work well for pics; Mr GB's phone might not work with the cubs so far away from us (we do not want to frighten them), but I will begin to lobby him to try with his not-very-often-used old camera...Please do not hold your breath waiting for pics!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Great news Ann, how about setting up an inexpensive trailcam to capture their antics!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Unknown said:
    No pics, folks, sorry, but yesterday Mr GB discovered that the local fox seems to have nested under our shed and has 5, yes, that's five, extremely cute little cubs who are beginning to explore the far end of our garden around the shed, log pile and green house, bouncing around and playing with each other, leaping onto the odd weed, and staring back at the two strange upright mammals who are staring at them!

    Fabulous, five fox cubs roaming the garden.

    Wendy's suggestion of a trailcam would certainly allow you to capture their activities, and if you dare, a bit of bribery may just help boost their confidence in you.

  • Ahhh, well, a trailcam...maybe, but one thing at a time! First to get Mr GB to try to just get a pic. We have lots of other things on the what-to-spend-money-on list, long before a trailcam--sorry. I'll let you know if we win the lottery--lol! (But that would probably go on a summerhouse and a new kitchen floor and....instead.)

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Well...had a great response to the idea of a trail cam so things are looking up! Please will someone point me to those threads where I recall discussions about the pros and cons of various trail cams and various folk's experience with them (or were they all on some other not-this-forum link which has completely slipped my mind?) I do not want to clutter up this thread with equipment talk. Many thanks.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Unknown said:
    Well...had a great response to the idea of a trail cam so things are looking up! Please will someone point me to those threads where I recall discussions about the pros and cons of various trail cams and various folk's experience with them (or were they all on some other not-this-forum link which has completely slipped my mind?) I do not want to clutter up this thread with equipment talk. Many thanks.

    Brilliant. Thumbsup

    There are quite a few good ones out there, and not for too many pennies, from many different sources.

    I'm currently using two:

    The second seems to have jumped in price, I paid £180 for it, but it was on offer at the time. Of the two, I prefer the Bushnell Prime 24MP, it has a clearer night-time image and video, while the Bushnell NatureView seems to have better daytime image and video.

    If you have a look at my Peak Rambler YouTube vids, you can see the videos from the Bushnell Prime 24MP Low-Glow Trail Camera.


    Another one I had in the past, was one from Swann, who also make a lot of CCTV and security cameras. However, it was only showerproof and objected to being dunked in the pond by two cats fighting next to it!

  • Yesterday's flyby 

    1 short of 100!!!

    Sorry for poor quality as only had my phone on me!

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)