Starting with a first for me ... Sparrowhawk in neighbour's garden here in quarry, only ever seen a seemingly lost youngster many years ago!
Grabbed ID vid footage through d/glazed door, then battery died & by time I'd replaced it to go outside for better res a delivery driver stopped next door & frightened the bird off!! grrrrrr
Hope it's a one-off for the sake of my Spadger horde!
2019 thread here ...
2013 photos & vids here
eff37 on Flickr
Lot to learn
Lovely stuff one and all, a couple to add, from my garden last couple of days
Just beginning to see their beautiful plumage coming through
And this show's all colouring in should start at the edge, then work towards the centre, because nature knows best!!
Who knew bees have dandruff??
And finally, I've always wanted to get a pic of a pigeon, or collared dove, with all the wing and tail feathers fanned out.....
I just need to photoshop a head in now!!
Regards, Hazel
Just a couple from 2 Saturdays ago when we went a wander up the RSPB but it was late afternoon so wasnt much to see
But plenty of moooooooos to be heard as the tractor arrived
And then into one of the hides.
Not the best of pictures am afraid
Coot with its ugly baby(Aww)
A duck having a wee rest
Bottoms up
Grey Heron
snooze time for the swans
Always some maggies wherever you go(nice little family meeting)
Black headed gull
As I said not much to see but was sooooooo good to get out and it was a nice walk.
(Pardon the Scottish Accent)