Add your "Odds & Sods" here thread ... 2020

Starting with a first for me ... Sparrowhawk in neighbour's garden here in quarry, only ever seen a seemingly lost youngster many years ago!

Grabbed ID vid footage through d/glazed door, then battery died & by time I'd replaced it to go outside for better res a delivery driver stopped next door & frightened the bird off!! grrrrrr

Hope it's a one-off for the sake of my Spadger horde!

2019 thread here ...


 2013 photos & vids here

eff37 on Flickr

  • Oh I see , Thanks Gaynor. There is lots of sounds in the tall conifers at the back of the garden but way too tall and thick for me to see anything although I do believe the black birds are nesting in there as the magpies are going in and soon being chased back out ...was actually the female doing the chasing! Blue tits still inspecting nest boxes daily but no nest building in them.

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Sooo very lucky Gaynor, my oh so scruffy bit of wild garden is paying dividends now, good job it's hidden from public view (except on here of course!) Drawback is that I've spent a great deal of time online with pics & posts & sharing pics & news with my Emily ... posting on wrong thread initially didn't help & having to do it all over again ... ooooh my poor brain! But am thrilled at the prospect of being able to watch Robin nest, must be very vigilant about predatory cat who lives over the road & making regular appearances on my trailcam! The hoggie nestbox is directly underneath with female inside so no chance of sliding a protective mesh screen in front of Robin box! Truly a fingers crossed job!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • I was only out in the garden for a short while, but the bird activity was fruitful, not just for me, but the birds themselves.

    Crow keeping an eye on its domain....

    Crow taking flight


    Blackbird having a good sort out....

    I'll get that little mite, it ain't gonna hide in my plumage!

    Do you like my new look?

    Its called the parakeet look?

    Oh well, there's no pleasing some folk....

    Lets shuffle a few more feathers around.

    You, yes you with that long black thing?

    You obviously don't appreciate the show I've put on for you.  

    Hoping along, singing this song, bye bye blackbird....

    You really don't appreciate the show I've put on for you, do you Mr?

    That's all folks, for now that is.....

  • Great pics Mike, lovely and clear and do like your in flight birds, all looking good in the sunshine especially the crow up on the top of the fir tree.

    Lot to learn

  • gaynorsl said:
    Great pics Mike, lovely and clear and do like your in flight birds, all looking good in the sunshine especially the crow up on the top of the fir tree.

    Thanks Gaynor.

    The crow was a cropped photo, along with the crow inflight, but the blackbird photos are all uncropped.

  • Life in the garden yesterday was very quiet, which is surprising, unless, there is another food source nearby by.

    I rarely see female blackbirds, but the males have been busy feeding, so I guess they have broods, I know the robins will have broods, after seeing two couples mating last week.

    But the fish are enjoying life and enjoyed a good feed yesterday....

    And one of the many ramshorn snails in the pond.

  • Apart from the robin, and a couple of sparrows, yesterday was another quiet day in the garden.

    Sadly, I missed a golden opportunity, to video a robin chase off three house sparrows from a feeder, but I did get this robin later on....

    And this spadger on the guttering....

    And finally, this house sparrow on the same guttering only a short while later....

    Hmmmmm, is there anything in this guttering to eat?

  • For those of you who remember I took two Goldfinches to our local wildlife hospital after flying into a window, the update is as follows:
    One goldie is doing absolutely fine now but the other has a wing injury (although can't be any break by all account) so they are together in an outside aviary and they are waiting to see in the injured bird (as I think they are paired up) recovers sufficiently, otherwise they will release the one that is good to go. Fingers crossed the other only has slight muscle injury and will improve but not getting my hopes up. At least one is ok so better news than expected.


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Thanks for the update, as you say better than expected news :o)