"Odds & Sods" (old version) - please add to the new thread 2020 instead !

THIS THREAD IS NOW DISCONTINUED,   please add to the new 2020 thread HERE

Often we don't have enough photos to create a full thread so thought I'd start an Odds & Sods thread where you may want to add a pic or two when you don't have enough for their own thread .    Feel free to add your rogues gallery here ! 

I only had a couple of pics today, one a Treecreeper and the other a very hacked off looking Great Egret huddled against the reeds trying to keep warm !


Regards, Hazel 

  • Hazel, Lovely photos. I thought it was Frankie, too, and I do not follow the racing! But somehow a few of his record victories did register with me! His dismount method made the news as well as I recall. Who is your friend?

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Unmistakable smile of Frankie, nice one Hazy, photos lovely too, Mrs Blackbird looking very pretty.

    Lot to learn

  • James G said:
    which one you like the best.


    the vignette in the 3rd isn't that subtle!


    Nige   Flickr

  • Thanks for the feedback The first one was done by someone else the other two I worked on the second one is the least worked on and I picked this one, you don't need to sharpen or work on them to much, if you look at the foot in the first one you have lost the detail but in the second its still there and that was done in DPP and just cropped so I am sticking with the way I have done it and if your happy with what you show why change things because others say do it another way I could add a little more to make it pop but why spend time when life is to short, shot and show that's what I say.


    My Pictures

    My Fbook Group

  • Unknown said:
    Who is your friend?

    The lady on the left of the photo (have since deleted the quiz question/photo)   was my lovely but now sadly "late" sister-in-law called Jennifer who often came to stay with us and enjoyed our trip to the open day at Newmarket stables during the time we lived on the Suffolk coast.      Fond memories of her and our adventure day meeting Frankie - the Italian stallion  lol !  .....  and yes, his famous flying dismount which he even did the race after he came back from surgery !    My "late" darling of a Grandmother who lived till she was 100 years used to lke following Frankie's rides following Lester Piggott's retirement and I would sometimes take her a small bet if the racing was on tv.     On the famous day Frankie went through the racecard at Royal Ascot iwith 7 rides and winners my Grandmother backed all of them and she was able to buy a new electric fire and have her suite recovered with her ill gotten gains  LOL     those were the days when I will never forget her face as I dropped over £600 in her lap - she only bet pennies really but that day I put the bets on (unbeknown to Gran) in what's called a "patent" and a "yankee"  instead of doubles and a single and that brought £560 more winnings for her !       Was meant to be that day, thanks to Frankie and gallant horses.   


    Regards, Hazel 

  • No 2 for me, it looks right in all aspects.
  • Got some great views of 3 Garganey Drake's Sunday Morning. How beautiful they are.

  • Still plenty of Cattle Egret around most now showing their Summer plumages.

  • Quick walk around Tatton Park ......    not many photo ops .......and school's out   !

    Red deer stags growing new antlers

    this should really be on bad pics or photo bomb thread as there was a deer in the background and Jackdaws pulling out the hide hairs for nesting material   lol    

    that new set of antlers is coming on     !!


    Regards, Hazel