Fabulous Fence Posts

The humble fence post. They're all over the place, and in my opinion, they do a good job. They keep things in and they keep things out. I like them.!!

Please feel free to post any fence post shots that you may have.

This is an example of a fence post but they do come in different shapes and sizes.

They're well worth keeping an eye on because just like me,  various other things also like fence posts.!!

Arctic Terns for example.

And Skylarks.

Meadow Pipits like them a lot.!!

So do Wheatears.

Even though this Linnet isn't actually on a fence post, he probably really likes them as well.

Snipe really like being on the ground but they're not totally against having a go on a fence post now and again.!!

Redshanks are of a similar opinion to Snipes.

This is fun.!! Really small birds also like fence posts, like this Stonechat.

Great big birds like Curlews also stand on top of fence posts sometimes.

As do colourful birds like Oystercatchers.!!

Hooded Crows take it in turns to stand on fence posts.

But Short-eared Owls like them all to themselves.

Fence posts are just great.!! You may even have one in your garden somewhere, they're well worth keeping an eye on. I might even start a fence post appreciation society.!! :-)

My bird photos HERE

  • Excellent Bob. S'pose you can't have it all, with the red feathers ... Thumbsup

  • 90% luck, 5% field craft, 5% camera skills.

  • Thanks, SM. The photo above was a single shot  one. I wasn't sure how long the bird would remain on the post. Was it, I wondered, long enough for me to set my R7 to burst mode?

    The answer was yes. I've only just got around to processing the resulting photos. I've been tied up with some heavy duty landscaping in our garden.

    Here after, my Canon R7 has lost focus and tracking on the Kingfisher. Shame, as there are a further 10 or so photos with the bird swooping down, turning left and flying up to the bridge. They're all fuzzy - kind of what you see of a Kingfisher in the wild, a flash of blue.

    I'd like to claim this was all my own work, but it's really the Canon R7. I just had to rest my lens against a tree, point the camera in the right direction, half depress the shutter button, then figure the correct time to depress said button all the way. Even then, I missed take off.

    90% luck, 5% field craft, 5% camera skills.