How close can you get to a wild badger?

Answer: about 30 centimetres!

Walking home at dusk a couple of evenings ago after a country ramble I heard a rustling in the grass at the edge of a barley field. It turned out to be this fella, a badger cub out alone and rather unsure how to react to me. It tried the trick of "if i can't see you, you can't see me" by burying its head in the ground, before deciding the proper course of action was a double-quick trot back to the sett. I had time for only a couple of pictures but quite an encounter!


  • What a fantastic encounter!!! Well done on getting superb pics so quickly too! Wow!

    "All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)

    My photos on Flickr

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 11/06/2010 21:36 in reply to Rockwolf

    Wow Colin!! That's fantastic and sooooo cute.

    How about sending the photo to the Countryfile calendar competition? The subject is 'A Moment of Magic' and I reckon this MUST qualify. Well done on capturing such a wonderful moment!!


  • Great photo Colin. Case of right place right time.

    The closest I have been to a badger was one evening while fishing.

    I sat down to have a coffee and a sanwich. got the sanwich out of my bag  and started to pore my coffee Turned round and watched as this old Brock of a Badger sat next to me eating my Ham cheese and pickle sandwich.

    Not even a thankyou!!!



    If its no fun Yer no doin it right!

  • Hi Colin

    Well spotted and quick thinking to get a couple of shots before it disappeared. Brilliant!

    I'm envious as I have sadly only ever seen dead ones at the sides of the road. :-(

    Best wishes Chris

    Best wishes Chris

    Click Here to see my photos

  • Hi Al

    Wow what an encounter. You were honoured, but I bet you didn't think so at the time. :-)

    Best wishes Chris

    Best wishes Chris

    Click Here to see my photos

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 12/06/2010 00:45 in reply to AL

    Unknown said:

    Great photo Colin. Case of right place right time.

    The closest I have been to a badger was one evening while fishing.

    I sat down to have a coffee and a sanwich. got the sanwich out of my bag  and started to pore my coffee Turned round and watched as this old Brock of a Badger sat next to me eating my Ham cheese and pickle sandwich.

    Not even a thankyou!!!




    AL, that must have been mind-blowing!! What did you do?

    Pip x

  • What a great sighting, Colin. I've only ever seen a dead one and that's not so good. Quick reaction to get the photo.

    regards TJ



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Brilliant Colin. Well spotted and then to be able to catch your photograph. They do visit our front garden after dark but we only see them through the window. Just a small sound and they are away very quickly.

  • I asked him if he would like my coffee to wash down the sandwich with.

    He stayed close by untill he heard my brother and his dogs comming along the bank (My brother is the gillie there) I told him about the Badger and he said the old fella had been moochin food off the anglers for about a week.

    was a lovley moment to be so close to the badger .. somethin I will remember for a long time to come.

    Just glad he dident see my jaffacakes ... Now there would have been a fight worth seeing lol



    If its no fun Yer no doin it right!