Just popped to the shop this morning minus camera. Typical. 8 swans flying over then on the way back a Greater Spotted Woodpecker who I have been waiting to get a picture of for a while. Will I never learn. Also the birds are stopping me from the housework because they distract me and I have to stop and watch them. Could draw the drapes but it would be too dark. Oh well birds are more interesting than dusting and cleaning.
Birds Rule
I know that feeling! Don't be hard on yourself though. There will always be missed opportunities, that's the trouble with photography - we just have to accept that there will always be the one that gets away and to try to enjoy the memories instead. Having said that, many birds are creatures of habit so you could always try popping to the shops at the same time but with the camera tomorrow ;)
Last Sunday we were driving down the access track to RSPB Dungeness when I saw a Hobby flying fast towards us. We'd seen several that day already but all had been too distant for decent views or photos. Got Mr aiki to stop the car while I frantically tried to take photos through the open window. It crossed the track right in front of our car and was away, and I didn't get a single photo. Was left feeling cross and frustrated, without even having had a proper look at the Hobby. In my pre-camera days I would just have got my bins on it and enjoyed a close encounter with a great bird...
My blog: http://mazzaswildside.blogspot.co.uk/
My Flickr page: https://www.flickr.com/photos/124028194@N04/