Ok, one last photo before I log off and make me tea! Fish Fingers tonight!
I guess we've all suffered from this!
Cheers, Graham
My Blog!
My Flickr!
This just gets more and more mad!!!!
Cheers, Linda.
See my photos on Flickr
Unknown said: And, especially for Snowdonia and Pipit:
And, especially for Snowdonia and Pipit:
Thanks G.
Bizarre, but a big ahhh. And a much better behaved birdy.
Pipit xx
Hi John B
Yes I ignored that slight anomaly. Antarctic = Anti arctus = No bears.
I learned 2 'interesting' facts about polar bears
The male polar bear is the world's largest carnivore, and if you ate a polar bear's liver it would kill you because of the excessively high concentration of vitamin A
Best wishes Chris
Click Here to see my photos
Hey Woodpecker. Chill.
The day penguins carry handbags and join the percussion section of their local orchestra, well, I'll be quite happy to believe they are found in the Antarctic.
Pipit :)
Eeek I mean Arctic. Hand me a tuba
P ://
Unknown said: Eeek I mean Arctic. Hand me a tuba P ://
You don't want one of them P. DIdn't you know that polar bears are very partial to a tuba, especially a tuba smarties. Think about it, when did you last see a tuba playing inuit rehearsing outside their igloo?
QED (Quite extraordinarily daft ..)
QED Fittmonk
I think you have earned your place at the mad hatters' tea party. It may be sunstroke, but it's good fun.
As a few people have said on this forum, when others look at us blankly when we rave about wildlife, folks here understand and appreciate each other - even if our sense of humour is dafter than a bag of frogs.
Big hug all round
Pipit xxx
I was away yesterday so did not catch up on this thread. It is brilliant and I have just enjoyed a really good laugh. Love the captions to my polar bear and penguins, thank you all.
The other photos and captions are hilarious, I am definitely going to pinch some of them for my collection. I have read it all twice but am now going back for another look.
I will leave you with one more cartoon (with caption, but any others are always welcome!) and another photo of penguins which I just like a lot. :-)
Kind regards Jane.
Can't better those two, Jef.
Penguins holding hands (flippers?) Ahhhhhh
Pip xx
When I visited Spitzbergen a few years ago someone asked the Rep what they should do if they saw a Polar Bear whilst we were all on land.
The Rep advised them to put their hands in the air and run towards it screaming and shouting.'Would that save me?' asked the passenger. 'No' said the Rep 'But it will give the rest of us time to escape!'