My garden is part Cottage Garden Type & part areas for wildlife.
Lots more sparrows this year & even some young which has really
pleased me. The blackbirds nested yet again, as did my robins. I have
many trees & can hear twitters but can't always see the birds. I have also
seen a wren a few times but not sure if it's nesting in my garden or not.
One other regular visitor is a grey squirrel who is a real acrobat & really
loves trying to get the fat/nuts/seeds out of the Half Coconuts I put out
These were originally intended for the Blue Tits & Great Tits but are
devoured by dozens of starlings, sparrows & the squirrel. The robin
sits in one of the flower pots underneath & feasts on the bits the others
drop while squabbling. Who needs television ??? My garden is a joy to me
with all this entertainment.
HI Aileen
Other than Springwatch there is not a lot to watch on tv nowdays anyway. Like most here I think we all enjoy just watching and listerning to the wildlife at this time of year, when it's at it's best.
Hello Aileen, your garden sounds ideal for wildlife. I am sure we would all agree with you, when it comes to watching 'mother nature' in our gardens.