Hi everyone, i was out walking on the macclesfield canal yesterday 1-6-10, i am a amateur photographer and i love taking wildlife images especially Macro photography so i always have my camera with me.
On the opposite bank, to my surprise, stood a heron so i started taking images of it (i love herons and have been watching them at the heronry at macclesfield forest) i was watching this heron for about 30 minutes and it started to move about and stretch its neck as if it was looking for something then it started to fly around and then to my surprise it started to attack the moorhens and all hell was let loose and then it snatched one of the moorhen chicks and ate it.
this was amazing to witness, has anyone ever seen anything like this, i thought herons only ate fish.
i have all this on digital images and i will post some of them on the gallery once i know how, i am new to this site but i am a rspb member.
Birds are not shy, they just like to make photographers look dumb.
Unknown said: Thanks guys for the welcome and all your info, will put up lots of images as soon as i can sort out the upload problem. cheers, phil
Thanks guys for the welcome and all your info, will put up lots of images as soon as i can sort out the upload problem.
cheers, phil
Hi and welcome to the forums. I never knew Herons would attack other bids, always thought they only ate fish. See you learn something new everyday on hereYour pictures must be under 4mb or you will get an error everytime
Of all creatures, man is the most detestable, he is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain. ~ Mark Twain
Hi Sparrow, only just got into photography, i dont know how to reduce images, i have got Lightroom and CS4 but not really used them yet,
Susan H said: Hi Phil, Try reducing the dimensions of the images.
Hi Phil,
Try reducing the dimensions of the images.
hi Macro
Once I download my pictures from my Canon camera they come out as size 4416x3316 which is too large for any thread like this one
If you want to download pictures on this forum you are better to re-size them to 800x600 size as JPegs
Kathy and Dave
Belated welcome from me Macro!!
"All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)
My photos on Flickr