All about Insects (2015 to March 2017)

Oh well, no sooner said than done. All you budding entomologists or photographers or anyone who likes nature, you can put your insect photos here!

I'll kick off with a few that I've had lately. This first is called a Mantis Fly & is a cross between a Fly & Mantis (funnily enough) & is in the Neuroptera family, which is a mixed bunch anyway, my first & I had 3 of them around the moth trap

& a Rhinocerus Beetle which was also attracted to the light & are quite rare now around here, he really was fabulous, very impressive,

& this Frelon was also in the moth trap, but seemed quite docile as long as I kept my distance!

& some Damsel flies, an Azure Damselfly (thanks for the ID Aiki)

a Large Red Damsel

& from early may a proper fly from the Dipteras, anyone know the English name, I think it's latin name is Otites lamed,

I usually only take photos of flies with interesting wings as I am hopeless at identiying them!

Thanks for looking & maybe you can post some of yours!!

Best wishes

Hazel in Southwest France

  • Another Zebra Spider showing its fantastic camouflage in this particular photo.

    Snipe Fly (also on the same tree).

    My bird photos HERE

  • Paul A said:

    Another Zebra Spider showing its fantastic camouflage in this particular photo.

    Snipe Fly (also on the same tree).

       WOW Paul  that is FANTASTIC  l  looked for quite a while before l found him, really clever, and on you for thating  such a great photos really sharp thanks Yas

  • WendyBartter said:

    In the meantime, today I managed to get some vid action of

        Really nice videos wendy nice to see the comma with the famous markings set against the blue skys  from yas

  • My first ever sighting of a Painted Lady.

    Large Red Damselfly, (male?)

    Azure Damselfly (male).

    I'm going to stick my neck out and say teneral female Azure for this last one.

    My bird photos HERE

  • Cracking photos, Paul. I must get out on my local patch and see what Damsels and Dragons are about.

    Congratulations on your first Painted Lady. If I recall they were saying on Springwatch that Painted Ladies were late this year so you've been specially favoured.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Great photos, stunning detail and love the Painted Lady


    Regards, Hazel 

  • The first ever Damselfly exuvia that I've seen in my pond. All the digging and hard work was worth it just for this moment. I've no idea which type as I've never seen any adults yet, but I'm so proud....sniff...!!

    My bird photos HERE

  • that's fantastic news Paul and proves just how healthy your pond is attracting all the wildlife and you are justly rewarded for all your efforts.  


    Regards, Hazel 

  • I do hope you have preserved your specimen for posterity PA ... now you can Google for ID but be prepared to undertake a degree course for which you are required to wear Mortar Board & Gown, & write a thesis too ... now that will make you cry!! Lol

    Me? I just got a headache!!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Thanks both. By far the most common Damselflies I seem to see in my local area are Large Reds and Azures so I’m thinking that this rules out quite a lot. There were actually two exuviae (plural?) but trying to retrieve one of them resulted in it disintegrating and falling into the pond. I think I’ll leave the remaining one alone and be quite happy to wait for the owner to make an appearance in its own good time to help solve the mystery. It’s fantastic how the small things in life can bring us so much happiness. We also had a rare appearance of a Frog the other day. My cup runneth over.!! :-)

    My bird photos HERE