Day 4 - Leighton Moss RSPB

Day 4 and a visit to Cumbria just one and half hour drive from home;   Leighton Moss is a wonderful nature reserve (rspb) and we were lucky enough to see more Avocets, Marsh Tit and a three Marsh Harriers  (2 female and a male)  ..........  here is a mix of photos

As soon as we got out of the car a pair of Mallards greeted us ....    

View from Grisedale Hide where the Marsh Harriers were spotted in the distance

this photo is just the view - no M.Harriers on this pic !

but they are on these albeit distant views and a stretch for my 300mm lens............     a male Harrier I think

and further cropped version ......

Jason and his mate James met us at Leighton Moss reserve and Paul (MC) handed out mealies for a spot of hand feeding of the Robin

Black Headed Gulls were dominant

in next pic they were having a conversation about aerobics ..........

"bet you cant do this head twist" said left gull to right gull    !

Left Gull just yawned     lol

"did you just see that Gull over there do a somersault" ?   


another Nuthatch photo.......

I am assuming this is another Dunnock ?    it was over at the Morecambe Bay area

Coal Tit next

Nuthatches and I was lucky enough to just about catch a brief spot of courtship feeding :)

Another lucky find was the Marsh Tit



and Mr. Mallard keeping a close eye on Mrs. Mallard and her clutch of eggs who was resting by a tree stump outside the Grisedale hide

Mrs. Mallard just below, nesting :)

Ram who appeared to be sitting down dog style on his haunches   lol

no prize for 3 ducks in a row   lol

can never get away from Cyrils   lol

and a few to finish

and sunset on the way home taken on the motorway so not the clearest shot !


Regards, Hazel 

  • Hi Jason, it was such lovely sunny day last week when we met at L.Moss and good to see you again.    The Mallard did make me laugh on top of the Grisedale hide keeping his eye on Mrs. Mallard and the nest and checking the humans going in and out the hide !    I was lucky to get any pics of the Marsh Harrier as it was a fair distance away so satisfied with those two pics.   I'd love to go back soon so will see how next week looks weatherwise.


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Fabulous photos Hazel! You were so lucky (and skilful!) to capture all those beautiful close ups and then a lovely Marsh Harrier. I also love your captions on the gull shots, a really great post - thanks for sharing!

  • Thank you John and Bob, it was more by luck I managed to get the Harrier who was a fair distance away for my 300mm zoom lens;  I was surrounded by 500mm lenses and 300mm lenses with extenders  lol   there is some serious gear out there folks !!  I must say the more "professional" photographers were very gracious and friendly not hogging the prime spaces but willing to shift up to let me grab a few pics :) but after viewing their splendid and totally awesome shots of the Harriers I crept out of the hide somewhat ashamed of my pathetic efforts when compared to theirs  lol !!   I love seeing other folks photos, it gives something to strive for but at the price of kit these days I will have to be content for the time being !  having said this the lady with the Nikon and 500mm lens said she bought it off Ebay for around £3,000 and although it didn't have all the functions of the modern day lenses it was quite a bargain.    We never did see the Bearded Tits who were present but busy nest creating, you could hear the ping on rare occasion but will have to wait until mid October to get the best chance for photographs.   We met one of the L.Moss volunteer recorders, a delightful chap whose name I should have asked ! he was a font of knowledge and very interesting to talk with, giving us good hints for spotting the B.Tits and pointing out the male Marsh Harrier who was off in the distance.  I think being outdoors, enjoying wildlife and countryside really brings out the best in everything and such a pleasure to meet like-minded people who offer up their expert tips and advice.    

    post edit:  a Cetti's Warbler was paying fleeting visits near the Grisedale Hide area and a lot of birders were glued to the spot for a chance to glimpse it, however, we never did manage a sighting that day. 


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Oh I'm soo jealous Hazel, we set off for Leighton Moss on Monday after staying with friends in Cheshire for the weekend and spent 5hrs in tailbacks  and diversions on the M61. Gave up and came home. So disappointing, so I'm really pleased to see your photos

    Of all creatures, man is the most detestable, he is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain.
    ~ Mark Twain

  • Sorry to hear of the Motorway jam Judi, what a shame you had to give up but after 5 hours in tailbacks it must have been both frustrating and exhausting,  we travelled up via M6 so all was pretty good albeit with roadworks to the Thelwall Viaduct which tends to slow traffic down and jam up a bit, however, it only took us an extra 15 mins. to get there so not too bad if we avoid peak times.    Hope you manage to get back there on your next visit to Cheshire and Cumbria.    


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Great to see pictures of one of our favourite RSPB reserves Hazel,you are onle about 30 minutes nearer than us over here in the wilds of N.Yorks,always worth a visit.That Mallard was sitting like that when we were there she must be a mother by now !!


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • Morning Pete, thank you.  L.Moss had a few nice surprises that day but alas no sign of the Bearded Tits who were busy nesting so maybe in October !    The female was sitting on quite a few eggs, trying well to cover them over with her feathers when she went for a quick forage and nice to see the male standing guard on top of the hide lol     Hope you get back to L.Moss soon, once we get some clear fine days we will be back again, as you say, its not too far away as long as we time the M6 traffic and wait for the roadworks to end on Thelwall Viaduct !


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Unknown said:
     L.Moss had a few nice surprises that day but alas no sign of the Bearded Tits

    We have been visiting the Moss for well over 30 years and Chris still has not seen Bearded Tits there,she reckons they are a figment of my imagination.


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • lol Pete, I can't wait 30 years to see a Beared Tit so I may have to take a recorder with me and play a few "Pings" to attract one over to the grit trays  lol


    Regards, Hazel