An Unusual Visitor(updated)

Hi Folks. As I left the house this morning to take Mrs A to work there was a lot of commotion from some Crows and Gulls who were circling around the house. I walked down the garden for a better view and was puzzled to see an unusual visitor perched on top of the roof of the house. I dashed in to get the camera and took a few shots from the front of the house.

It turned it's head and I was thinking to myself 'surely I can't be looking at a Kookaburra. I mentioned this to Mrs A who then said,"Oh, I forget to tell you that a Kookaburra has escaped from the local Zoo.".....

A few more pics as he turned his head to look around..

We did phone the Zoo who advised us to try to lure it down with cat meat or the likes, but the Gulls and Crows eventually drove it off. A surprisngly large bird, probably as tall as a Carrion Crow but it seemed much bulkier. A strange addition to my list of garden visitors. Just when you think you've seen it all.....


My bird photos HERE