Out Of My Window (Video Update)

Hi Folks. Very cold and a bit frosty this morning so I just opened the top window and took a few shots from the relative warmth of the house. Hope you enjoy.


..Blue Tit...

..Collared Dove...

...Male House Sparrow...

.. Rook....


...Another Starling...

..and finally a Wood Pigeon..!!




My bird photos HERE

  • Hi Folks. Quite enjoyed taking some pics from the comfort of the house last week so thought why not, lets try it again this week. Very dull this morning so expect some grainy images 'cos of the high ISO setting. Hope you enjoy.

    The calm before the storm...

    ...the big guns arrive...

    ...and a few more...

    ..there are always the lookouts...

    ..and the hangers on...

    ... what's that over there?...

    ....where about?...

    ...oh.... it was nothing....

    ...ok then.....

    ...meanwhile...in the bath...

    ....on the line....

    ..in the trees..

    ...on top of the pole...

    ...and on the grass..

    ...oh oh... think I've been spotted...

    ..yup...definitely been spotted....

    Better go for now or I'll be getting squawked about..!!





    My bird photos HERE

  • Super set again. Washing line Jackdaw is tops!

    Unicum arbustum haud alit duos erithacos

    (One bush does not shelter two Robins)

    Zenodotus (3rd Century B.C.)


  • Some super photographs there Paul - looks like a very busy garden - all coming in from the fields by the looks of it - bet they get through some food between them!

    See my Flickr photos here



  • Fabulous pictorial story PA & you are so amusing - keep updating please!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • great photo's,great chat,keep it up. Love Superjack on the washing line Lol


    cheers  Terry

    my photo's here

  • LOL, great additional set of photos Paul, what a view you have from your window and back garden.   The Jackdaw is so funny looking ready to pounce or up for a squabble  lol  


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Great photos, good story, like your tidy garden, mine is getting muddy already with all the back and fore feeding.

    Lot to learn

  • Many thanks for all your kind comments folks. I do get a lot of Corvids and Woodpigeon coming off the fields and yes, it does cost a small fortune to keep them all in the manner to which they have become accustomed. As for the tidy garden, I have to give credit to Mrs A, for it is she who does the vast majority of it. I just do what I'm told..!!


    My bird photos HERE

  • Hi Folks. Just the usual suspects again this week although as an added twist there are photos taken from the downstairs window, and also a few from sitting on the floor at the back door. Exciting stuff..!! Hope you enjoy.

    Not sure if the Starlings actually grow on this tree...

    ...more from them later...... 

    A couple of old friends from last week are back again....

    and there's still some ground feeding going on....

    ..and the new perspective from the back door....

    ..meanwhile we have a daydreaming Sparrow....

    ..and who's a handsome boy then?....

    "That would be me.... this is my best side"...

    ..."although this side is pretty good too"...

    .."or would you prefer the 'sleek and somewhat mysterious'  look"....

    ..."Aw shucks... I'm just handsome anyway you look at me"....

    ..."You ain't so mysterious from down here mate"....

    ..."nor from over here"...

    ....."or here".!!..

    Meanwhile Chaos is brewing...

    ... things begin to get out of hand...

    ...and slowly but surely, it begins to deteriorate into a free for all...

    .."WILL.. YOU.. ALL.. JUST.. BEHAVE.. YOURSELVES"...!!!!

    ..Was that a cat?....


    Peace and sanity returns at last..!!


    My bird photos HERE

  • Another great set of photos, Paul - and your rook is a very handsome bird indeed, no matter what side you view him from!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.