Finch disease - Trichomoniasis
Still lots of reports coming in of sick and dead finches. More information can be seen here - Please help us keep a track of these incidents by filling and returning the downloadable form. Trichomoniasis isn't the only disease that can affect birds - see attached PDF file below for details of other possibilities.  

Sparrowhawks and white-tailed eagles
Lots of queries and some complaints about sparrowhawks in gardens. Also a troublesome white-tailed eagle taking chickens from a garden in Scotland.

We received quite a few queries about cormorants in distress. These are usually around the coast so the birds may be exhausted and washed ashore. Some, including juveniles, have been seen inland around rivers - unless obviously injured or distressed these are nothing to worry about -

Lots of nestbox queries. We recommend cleaning them now to give birds a cosy winter roost - information here    We were also sent a cardboard nestbox to comment on. There were a few words that sprung to mind.......

Tufted puffin
The tufted puffin seen off the Kent coast last week caused a big stir, but only made a brief appearance for the lucky few who were in the right place at the right time.

We received a very good description of a yellow-browed warbler in Bucks. These birds are regular but rare migrants to the UK. Worth looking out for amongst goldcrest flocks.

Help swifts by letting us know what they're up to - fill in the 2010 survey

Disease among garden birds.pdf
  • As to the lateness of the swallows and housemartins, could they be benefiting from the population explosion of craneflies, spiders and other insects as reported on the news this morning. I can testify to the number of spiders as I seem to be no quicker putting them outside than they are back again.

    Respect your life and that of others, you only get the one chance.