Disease spread throughout the country
This week a press release went out highlighting the impact that Trichomonosis has had on greenfinch and chaffinch numbers. This received a lot of media interest and lead to a massive surge in disease reports. A new disease page is up and running and people can be directed here or if you are finding a large number of dead bird call 01767 693690 for Wildlife Enquiries.

Lack of birds
The disease story also generated a few lack of bird queries. Some people were concerned that the lack of birds in their garden was caused by this disease. In some cases, the lack of greenfinches and chaffinches might be caused by disease but generally birds will be absent from gardens because they are feeding on natural food, which is abundant at this time of year.

Juvenile goldfinches have caused some confusion as they visit feeders. They don't have the red face and black and white head markings of the adults but do have the yellow wingbars and black and white markings on the wings and tail.

Birds trapped in buildings:
Inexperienced juvenile birds and reckless birds of prey have been widely reported from distribution centres and car showrooms nationwide. Once they are in, they are very difficult to get out as there is no easy solution. Although allowing as much natural light into a room with all possible exits open is usually enough to encourage a bird to find its own way out. Trapped birds in netting or tight spaces should be reported to the RSPCA on 0300 1234 999.

Racing pigeons:
It is now the time of year when Racing pigeons are usually found in gardens. Callers who find exhausted racing pigeons in their gardens are advised about racing pigeon welfare and given contact numbers for the relevant pigeon racing association. Usually the Royal Pigeon Racing Association on 01452 713 529 (This would be Racing pigeons with GB on the leg ring)

Why not check out the news from the wildlife enquiries team?