If baby birds could speak thats probably what they would say! Now that we are into April we are well on the way to baby bird season, time to put down the hedge strimmers and to enjoy the sights and sounds of our garden birds doing their very best to raise the next generation. Whilst this process is fraught with danger due to the natural hazards that await, predators, harsh weather, shortages in natural food etc, human nature has an unfortunate habit of making people intervene when it is the last thing that should be done. So here are a few quick pointers to help parent birds have an easier time through the breeding season that is now upon us;
Already this spring we have had reports of robins, blackbirds and mallards with young and the usual early nesters like herons and rooks are well on their way with either eggs or chicks in the nests. Peregrines, ospreys and owls are also getting started and are featuring on webcams across the UK. We're all geared up for a busy season so just one final reminder...Leave baby birds alone!!!
Warden Intern at Otmoor.