Last weekend it was warm enough to venture out in shorts and t-shirts, what a dramatic change! I've already had to dig around in the back of the wardrobe for some extra layers. I bet the birds that have just moulted into their new feathers are glad of the extra protection they offer from the elements.

Have you heard any high pitched 'peeping' sounds overhead this week, or 'chack-chack' sounds? No? Then keep your ears peeled and your eyes upwards, redwings and fieldfares are here and in good numbers already. Overhead here at the Lodge this morning i've counted well over 150 redwings (as well as the ever present jackdaws, a low flying buzzard and a couple of skylarks!) What migrants have you seen this week? Remember to report them on

With this cold weather you might get an increased demand for your bird food. Keep them going with a mix of seed and maybe start adding some suet or fat based snacks if you have not done so already. If you have some local windfall apples or pears, try and store some in a cool dry place for later in the winter, this will be a welcome addition to the menu when any snow fall or freezing conditions arrive. How did winter sneak up on us!

If you brave the cold this weekend keep an eye out for fungi, it's a fascinating world with a mind boggling number of different species, some of which are huge like this parasol fungus.

You may also notice some huge spiders and webs around, you can get a real idea of just how many spider there are on a fresh dew covered autumn morning! This garden spider was in a prime spot near the garden pond;

Warden Intern at Otmoor.