It's been a busy time this past month in the wildlife enquiries team, Rich and I went over to see our colleagues in the Belfast office last week to deliver some wildlife based training. Great place to go to and great to meet the team over there, they were really helpful and good fun, plus the setting in Belvoir forest park is a really nice place to work! No red squirrels sighted but the starling roost under a bridge over the Lagan on the way was mighty impressive and we spotted a hooded crow and bullfinch in the forest park!
Back in the office it's all systems go for the Big Garden Birdwatch, we're sending out forms left right and centre and helping as many people as we can with their survey queries. The top three questions seem to be;
Have a look at the Big Garden Birdwatch page here if you want to pre-register or find out more. Good luck if you take part!
In between BGBW queries we have been having lots of enquiries regarding nesting boxes with many people asking about making, siting and buying the right type of boxes. Here are a few links to help you on your way to providing birds withs the best accomodation for the coming breeding season.
RSPB nestbox shop
RSPB nestbox advice
BTO nestbox guide
Warden Intern at Otmoor.