Winter arrivals
The past few days have seen droves of redwings and fieldfares moving into the country for the winter months, generating a few calls reporting "loads of thrushes eating the fruit off my trees!". The winter migrant starlings have also started to arrive. These will join with our resident breeding birds and form huge roosting flocks. Large numbers of geese will spend the winter in the UK so watch out for the V shaped skeins heading south.

Are you still here?

We've still had calls from concerned folk that swallows have remained near the nest long after the rest of the family have gone! It is normal to still sight swallows in October, although the vast majority have now gone. Late broods still need to build up strength before commencing their southerly movement. It will perhaps be a tricky journey one they'll inevitably attempt to take though.. We have also received some great photos of wheatears, which are now on their way out through the UK to Africa. These birds breed mainly in upland areas but can be seen in many places en route to their wintering sites.