With just one week left before the deadline for submitting results for the Big Garden Birdwatch (Monday 16 February) we thought we would share this lovely story about two people and their love of this annual nature watching event. Susan Andrews and her mother have been taking part in the Big Garden Birdwatch for over 10 years. Over the last few years, Susan’s mother began to forget things, and was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and Vascular Dementia. But when they sit down together to record the birds in the garden each January, something special happens.Take a look at  the video and listen to the full clip from BBC Radio 4

We think that Susan’s story is a wonderful illustration of how bringing nature into our lives can have a real impact on our health and wellbeing. Even just stopping for an hour to enjoy the birds in your garden can make a difference. Along with the Wildlife Trusts and other conservation and health organisations, the RSPB is calling on politicians to include our Nature and Wellbeing Act in their manifestos in the run up to the General Election. You can read more about our campaign here, and contact your MP to ask them if their party will Act for Nature.


And don’t forget, if you took part in the Big Garden Birdwatch this year, please submit your results by 16 February.  

Photos: Antique bird pictures provided by David Tilleke at the Antique Print Shop