Have you wondered what goes on at RSPB local groups?

What are they, what goes on and how do you join? Dean Ware really wanted to find out more about nature, and after a quick online search he discovered his local RSPB group.

Now he’s out and about all the time, learning lots and seeing some fantastic sights. Read his story to hear how he got involved... and how you could too!

Dean’s local group story

I think the main reason that most people join the RSPB is that they love nature in general, and birds in particular.

I really wanted to find out more about nature, so I searched the web for the RSPB and came across links to local groups. I live in London so there are several to choose from. I decided that I wanted to do two things - go to the evening talks and go birding – so I made the leap, and joined the Central London Group.

Dean Ware.

The talks that they host are fascinating – so interesting. They are held in pleasant surroundings and are really professionally put together, as well as being inexpensive. There are usually refreshments provided as well. It’s an excellent way to spend an evening that otherwise might perhaps have ended up being just another night in front of the TV.

Another brilliant thing about local groups is the day trips that they organise. My local group lays on a coach trip once a month when we go to a reserve somewhere in England and are guided round looking at birds and wildlife (and the plants!). These outings are generally terrific: they provide a lovely level of activity along with some really wondrous sights.

Would you see a heron's nest or hear a nightingale sing if you were just sitting at home?

Overall it’s all so well worth the time it takes to join. Go on, give it a go!

Find your local group

If Dean's story has inspired you, why not take a look for your local group?

For more on our science, check out the RSPB Centre for Conservation Science web pages.

  • I've been a member of the Newcastle Upon Tyne RSPB Group for approx 4 and a half years. They also have regular Saturday monthly coach trips as well as 1 monthly local midweek walk as well as the indoor meetings. My local Group also as an annual week long birdwatching holiday further afield somewhere in the UK staying always in a nice hotel. Through the Newcastle RSPB Group I've made a very close friend and we both go out birdwatching together outside of the Group by the public bus service. Everyone has told me it's the best thing that I've ever done.



