As Mark mentioned in his recent blog post, the breeding season is over, migrants are preparing to leave the country and the birds around us are a-changing.

Well, most birds.

A pair of woodpigeons at The Lodge are bucking the trend. From our office window, we can see them flying about carrying twigs. They rummage around on the woodland floor for suitable building material before flapping into the air with their awkward cargo and disappearing into a tree outside our window.

Pigeons and doves are some of the few species that can breed at almost any time of year. Their food sources enable them to be more flexible than other birds - blue tits, for example, are largely dependent on certain caterpillars, so a breeding attempt without those creepy-crawlies is a non-starter.

I even remember seeing a pair of collared doves participating in some festive fornication on Christmas Day one year!

So, keep an eye out for strange goings-on in your garden, on your way to the shops and at the park - you never know what you might see...

What do you think? 

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