The answer is a brand new, witty t-shirt that you’ll look great in and raises money for nature.

British clothing company, Weird Fish recently launched a competition to come up with the best pun for an RSPB T-shirt. There were some great ideas from the competition, and these were whittled down to just three.

One of Weird Fish’s talented artists then worked up the pun into some artwork for the shirt, and asked fans to vote for the winner.

Here’s the winning design:

Winning design for RSPB T-shirt

The winner was the ‘Lord of the Wings’ design, and is now available in our online shop. £9 from each sale will go directly to us, helping our vital conservation work across the UK.

So why not grab yourself the shirt – you’ll be looking great and our nature will benefit!

Weird Fish are a good fit for us to partner with, as they share our love of the outdoors. Their clothes are tough, practical and a little bit different. Their witty t-shirts have become highly collectable.

John Stockton, managing director at Weird Fish, explains: “Weird Fish makes clothes for people who enjoy nature and getting outdoors. Through partnering up with the RSPB, we’re able to make a difference to the green spaces and surrounding communities across the UK, which is something our customers care about, too.”

For more on our science, check out the RSPB Centre for Conservation Science web pages.