Hi! How did you get on with Big Garden Birdwatch? Hope you had time to sit down for an hour, grab a cuppa, a bacon butty, a few biscuits or maybe a slice of cake, depending on the time of day...

Chaffinch. Photo from RSPB ImagesHere are my results:

You can't get much more relaxing than an hour looking out of the window and watching birds do their thing. The chaffinches kept me busy - I was always trying to see if I could see one more, but they were scattered all over the place.

It's interesting that I saw 12 greenfinches last year, but only two this year... where were they all? Maybe we'll find out when the results are announced in March.

I'd just finished putting in the results online (it's more efficient for us to receive your results through the website, so more money for conservation) when I went back to the window. There, in the bush next to the gaggle of chaffinches, was a reed bunting! Why couldn't it have turned up five minutes earlier? Not fair!

I'm lucky enough to live in rural Cambridgeshire, but you can read how Tim got on with his BGBW in London. I have to say I really enjoyed that hour on Saturday morning. It was frosty outside, with everything dusted in pastel shades, there were lots of birds in the garden, and it was an hour when I could forget about everything else. How often do you get that chance?

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  • This year's Big Garden Birwatch, was my first and I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed it. I can't remember all the results, but the highest numbers were house sparrows with 14, and starlings with 12. Although I have to say, it's amazing how quickly an hour flies past when you're enjoying yourself.
  • This year's Big Garden Birwatch, was my first and I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed it. I can't remember all the results, but the highest numbers were house sparrows with 14, and starlings with 12. Although I have to say, it's amazing how quickly an hour flies past when you're enjoying yourself.
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