Of course, Aristotle said 'one swallow does not make a summer', but I think a swallow could make your weekend. They've already been seen as far north as Orkney, so your local ones are bound to be back soon. They're coming to a barn, shed or garage near you!

Swallows. Photo by Graham Catley

Five swallow facts

1. British swallows migrate to South Africa for winter. They can travel 200 miles per day, at a speed of around 17-22 miles per hour. 

2. That's pretty impressive for a bird that weighs less than 20g - about the same as two £1 coins.

Swallows. Photo by Graham Catley

3. Swallows build a nest from mud, straw and feathers. They can have two broods of chicks per year, with up to five chicks each time.  

4. Male swallows have the longest tail 'streamers'. Growing long streamers shows potential mates that he's in good physical condition and will be a good mate, able to raise lots of healthy chicks.

Swallow. Photo by Graham Catley

5. If swallows are flying low enough, you can sometimes hear their beaks snap shut as they grab insects from the air.

Have a great weekend, and please tell us what you see!