With the weather set to be pretty grim, I thought suggestions for outdoor activities this weekend might lack appeal. But, if like myself you still have Christmas shopping to do, why not do it sustainably? 

What we buy has the power to change habitats around the world for the better or worse. It's a hefty responsibility so here are some things to think about:

What’s in it? Many foods and cosmetics use palm oil. Swathes of rainforest in Asia have been cut down to make way for palm oil plantations so try and avoid products that use it unless it clearly states that it’s from a sustainable source.  

How was it produced? Look out for labels showing that the item was produced in an ethical and sustainable way, especially with food. Labels such as Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance, Organic, Forest Stewardship Council (for paper and wood), Marine Stewardship Council (for fish) and European Eco-Label (non-food products) are all good indications of sustainability. The recycled label is always a bonus too!

Where does it come from? Some things only grow in far away countries but - if possible - buy local produce, it's better for the UK economy and it has a smaller carbon footprint; lookout for the Assured Food Standards tractor logo. 

Have a look here if you want a bit more detail about sustainable shopping. Have fun and if you need a brake take it easy over a cup of sustainable, Fairtrade coffee.

If you have any sustainable shopping tips I'd love to hear about them, just leave a comment on this post.