Great tit. Photo by Ben Hall (RSPB Images)It feels like it's been cold, grey and gloomy outside for months now. When will it end? To me, hibernation seems like an increasingly attractive option...

But as I gaze out of the office window into the murk, there's a little voice of optimism coming from the hazel tree by the gate.

For a couple of weeks now, there's been a male great tit singing. Now that the days are getting longer, the amount of birdsong is set to rise and rise. Birds know the breeding season is approaching, even though for many of them it's their first ever. 

So, my suggestion for this weekend is to go outside (or open a window) and listen to birdsong.

You could say 'but everyone knows that the best time for birdsong is spring!' and you'd be right, partly. The thing is that at the moment, there aren't many leaves on the trees, so you stand a better chance of seeing who's singing. 

And the fact there aren't as many birds singing makes things a lot easier if you're trying to learn birdsong. Come April or May, there's a cacophony of different tweets, trills, warbles and squeaks, and all the summer migrants will have arrived to add their voices. It sounds impressive, but picking out one singer from the rest is really difficult.

In the past fortnight, I've heard great tits, coal tits, blackbirds, nuthatches, mistle thrushes, dunnocks and robins singing. And though it's not singing, strictly speaking, I've also heard a great spotted woodpecker 'drumming'. Depending on whereabouts you are, you could hear dippers or crossbills, which also start singing early in the year. 

So step outside, into the grey, and listen. But if you can't tell what's singing, it doesn't really matter - as long as you enjoy it!

  • We've got lots of birdsong clips for you to listen to, or you could even buy a CD from our online shop - all profits go to our conservation work. For the personal touch, come along to an event at one of our reserves - learning from an experienced person is often the best way.

  • I have heard more birds singing in the last two weeks, it really puts a spring in my step! I have also seen male blackbirds scrapping away under hedgerows.

    My only worry is that the slight increase in temperature has fooled the birds into thinking Spring is on the way, lets hope we dont have any more snow!

    Never the less, hearing birds singing really brightens up the day, now Im looking forward to longer days! Come on Spring!

  • I have heard more birds singing in the last two weeks, it really puts a spring in my step! I have also seen male blackbirds scrapping away under hedgerows.

    My only worry is that the slight increase in temperature has fooled the birds into thinking Spring is on the way, lets hope we dont have any more snow!

    Never the less, hearing birds singing really brightens up the day, now Im looking forward to longer days! Come on Spring!

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