In the classic children's book The Wind in the Willows, Mole, Ratty and Mr Toad like nothing more than spending a leisurely summer's day messing about on the river.

So this Bank Holiday weekend, rather than fighting for a place to lay your towel on the beach, why not take a leaf out of their book and head for the peace and quiet of a river.

From a secluded vantage point on a riverbank you might just be lucky enough to hear the quiet plop of a water vole as he slips into the water, catch the vibrant turquoise flash of a kingfisher dashing past, or see the long lean shape of an otter moving gracefully through the water.

Even if these riverside creatures evade you, a day at the river is a feast for the senses. You're sure to be treated to the soundtrack of flowing water and the gentle whirr of  wings as dragonflies dart to and fro amongst the reeds. And nothing beats the refreshing chill of running water on weary toes after a long walk.

A day by the river needn't be dull for the kids either. Taking to the water in a boat will keep budding sailors happy, and for those who like to keep their feet firmly on solid ground, a good old-fashioned game of Poohsticks is bound to bring out their competitive streak!

Rivers are such good places to relax, unwind and really connect with nature that we've teamed up with our friends at WWF, the Angling Trust and the Salmon and Trout Association to run the Our Rivers Campaign.

This year, our aim is to celebrate the very best rivers Britain has to offer, and identify those that could do with a little TLC.

By completing our quick survey you'll be ensuring that your favourite rivers gets the recognition they deserve, and we'll be in a better position to safeguard them for the future.

  • As well as the mess about on rivers and how relaxing theme.

    I think there needs to be an emphasis on the dangers when near inland water bodies

    My intention isn't to put fear into folk that want to persue such activities but the stats in the UK for children drowning during the summer holidays is 40-50 each year!

    It goes without saying there are tens of thousands of people that enjoy our water ways, but there are also many tradgic accidents.

    The local river in my town has claimed many lives over the years.

    Hopefully if people read the following advice then the won't became one of the stats.

    My Regards

    Nature Is Amazing - Let Us Keep It That Way