We're not all early birds, but at this time of year I would seriously suggest that those among us who prefer a few extra hours of duvet-snuggling make an exception.

For one thing, the light at this time of day can be absolutely beautiful:

Lake Vrynwy reserve at dawn.

Bewick's swans at dawn flying over Ouse Washes.

Woodland sunrise taken at The Lodge.

But enough of lovely morning shots, because at this time of year the big draw is the dawn chorus.

Song thrush singing against blue sky

Having spent March and April warming up their vocal chords, the time has come for birds everywhere to ramp up the noise and defend their territories and sing to attract a mate.

You want me up at what time?

There's no getting away from the fact that the best time to enjoy the dawn chorus is early in the morning. The first birds tune up about an hour before sunrise!

Across the UK this weekend, we'll be running lots of events (check out a reserve near you) to celebrate this wonderful birdsong symphony. Why? Because Sunday (6 May) is International Dawn Chorus Day.

If you really can't find the strength to leave your bed, over at Arne they'll be doing the hard work for you. You just need to lie back and listen.

And for anyone who misses the main morning event, you'll be pleased to hear you don't miss out on all the fun. There is actually another chorus at dusk. It's considered quieter, but some birds - like tree sparrows and blue tits – seem to prefer to sing at this time of day.

So whichever end of the day you catch it, I hope you enjoy revelling in the beauty of birdsong this weekend. I certainly plan to!

Wren singing from twig

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