'Cu-ckoo! Cu-ckoo!' Cuckoo perched in the top of a tree. Photo by John Bridges (rspb-images.com)

One bird that needs little introduction is the cuckoo.

Sadly, however, cuckoo numbers are on the decline and in 2009 it joined the red list of endangered British birds.

We don't really know the reasons for their decline - it could be that the African forests where they spend winter are disappearing, or that the caterpillars they eat are harder to find. It's also possible that with spring starting earlier each year due to climate change that the cuckoo's hosts are breeding before cuckoo's even have a chance to lay their eggs.

However, it's not all bad news - cuckoos are still being heard around the country . Even our new Conservation Director had a recent encounter with one!

So while you're out and about this weekend do keep an ear out for that distinctive 'cu-ckoo' call.

You can let us know if you hear one by leaving a comment below.

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  • Last weekend on the Isle of Mull I was awoken by a cuckoo at 6:30am in the tree outside the tent! Over the weekend I heard at least 2, possibly 3, cuckoos in the Craignure area.

    Absolutey magical.

  • Last weekend on the Isle of Mull I was awoken by a cuckoo at 6:30am in the tree outside the tent! Over the weekend I heard at least 2, possibly 3, cuckoos in the Craignure area.

    Absolutey magical.

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