You can see some beautiful autumn colours if you head outdoors this weekend. Why not pick up some colourful fallen leaves and get arty with them? Here are some ideas to get those creative juices flowing.

Take a look at Owen Mortensen's work for some inspiration. He creates fantastic shapes and installations from sunset-coloured leaves. What kinds of shapes could you create in your garden or park?

If you’re looking for something even more challenging, check out these intricate leaf carvings by Lorenzo Duran. A tiny owl sits on a branch, deer graze in a wood and a tree's branches intertwine. Each one of these scenes is carved in miniature from fallen leaves. Seeing is believing! 

You can also collect leaves and press them in greaseproof baking paper under a heavy book. Martha Stewart has a fun idea for Halloween cards and tags using pressed leaves. Pressed leaves make beautiful Christmas cards and gift tags, too.  

And you don't have to go to a wood to see leaves in all their beauty. In London this week, leaf art was created after an area of road tarmac melted in the heat and a carpet of leaves fell on top. They have been there ever since, captivating passers by. 

Whatever you decide to do with your leaves, we hope you have fun!