Perhaps the very epitome of spring birdsong, the humble nightingale has been inspiring poets, writers and anyone who hears its sweet, uplifting song for centuries.

Singing nightingale - image by Nigel Blake ( me.

Related to the robin, nightingales lack the red breast of its cousin, but makes up for it with lovely rufousy back, head and wings. But its song is what really sets it apart.

Go on, listen in...

I find it hard to describe the song’s qualities – I never feel I can do it justice.

The best thing to do is listen. Check out the nightingale page on our website, turn up your speakers and listen – it’s worth it.

But trust me, it’s much better getting out on a late spring evening, the sun gently warming your back, and listening to the real thing.

And now is a great time to do just that, before the leaves and foliage really start to come out and make seeing these migrants more difficult to see.

Find your own

Paxton Pits, where I was on Sunday, is a great spot.

Nestled alongside the Great Ouse, these former quarry workings are now home to an array of wildlife, from cormorants to otters. But from April to early June, the singing nightingales are the stars of the show.

In the UK, nightingales essentially need an area of scrubby woodland, with some open patches, often near water. There’s a few of our reserves you can try too.

Can you spot one?

I can’t guarantee you’ll see one though. I won’t lie, it’s not easy tracking down a skulking brown bird that spends a lot of its time hiding in dense foliage! Even if it is singing its head off!

But I can spend hours listening to that glorious, uplifting song – it’s heaven. The first burst of notes will always stop me dead in my tracks. So seeing one is just a bonus.

Fancy joining me? Why not try listening out for nightingales this spring? And don’t forget to let me know if you’re successful by leaving a comment below...

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