Gannet colony on Bass RockIt’s easy to forget that you don’t have to travel halfway around the world, to somewhere like the Serengeti, to see an amazing wildlife spectacle.

At this time of year, there is little to rival the raucous clamour of a breeding seabird colony - and the UK plays host to some of the world’s biggest and best.

For a few months each spring and summer these ‘seabird cities’ are home to an amazing array of different species including plunge-diving gannets, prehistoric-looking shags, and of course the unmistakable puffin.

Too close for comfort

Space is at an absolute premium in seabird colonies and thousands of birds cram into every available nesting site, giving you a great opportunity to witness the drama unfolding at close quarters.

You’re likely to see nests perched perilously close to sheer cliff edges, puffins peeking out from the rabbit burrows that they’ve commandeered to raise their brood, and high-speed action as gannets hurtle head-first into the waves to catch fish.

And with birds nesting within inches of each other, neighbourly disputes to rival those in soap operas are common!

Make a date

We’re running Date with Nature events at colonies across the UK, with staff on hand to explain the action, and many of our reserves are great places to experience the hustle and bustle of seabird cities.

So why not make a day of it and experience one of natures great spectacles for yourself?

The sights and sounds (not to mention the smells!) are truly breathtaking - there’s nothing quite like it!

Oh, and if you happen to be in London this weekend, I'd recommend popping along to Selfridges. 

Why on earth are you suggesting that, I hear you ask?! 

Well, Selfridges have recently launched Project Ocean, a high-profile campaign to highlight the beauty and fragility of our oceans. 

Their Oxford Street store has been decked-out with fantastic marine-themed displays and this Saturday 28 May we'll be running our very own event - so it would be great to see you there!

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