Did you catch BBC Springwatch this week? There were so many amazing things to see, from foxes, nuthatches and ospreys to moles, kingfishers and barn owls.

But this weekend, my personal recommendation would be to steer clear of all those charismatic, cute and fluffy things. Go pond dipping and prepare to be amazed and inspired!

Plenty of our reserves offer pond dipping activities, but don't make the mistake of assuming it's just for kids - pond dipping is fun for all ages. You can't fail to be surprised by the diversity of life that lurks underwater in our pond, lakes, streams and rivers.

Naturally, you need to be careful when you're around water. But even by sitting quietly on the bank or at the edge of a pond, you can still see plenty. Newts and beetles have to come up for air every so often, you'll probably see whirligig beetles spinning around on the surface, and pondskaters and waterboatmen hunting for prey.

Or if you're really lucky, you could see a damselfly or dragonfly emerging from below the surface to start the last phase of its life as a flying adult. It's mindboggling!

If the weather's really bad, we have a brilliant interactive pond dipping game for you to play. Beware - it's devilishly addictive!

Have a great weekend and don't forget to let us know what you've seen...