This weekend would be a great time to put up a nestbox.

'What?' I hear you say. 'The breeding season's a good few months away yet!'

That's very true. But the reason I'm suggesting you put up a box in late autumn is because birds will be looking for somewhere snug to spend the night through winter. Small birds are vulnerable to the cold and can use up lots of energy just staying alive when the weather's bad.

We had a lovely email from e-newsletter reader Pat Brooks on just this topic.

She said: 'I have a nestbox with a camera inside. All last winter a great tit slept in it overnight. When spring came he left (it was just a 'winter let,' it seems!) and blue tits nested, but unfortunately didn't lay any eggs.

'Now the weather is getting colder the great tit has returned. It's nice to see him cosily tucked up, looking like a fluffy toffee apple, when the wind and rain is whistling around!'

Some birds don't sleep alone during winter. A record-breaking 61 wrens were seen squashing themselves into a nestbox so they could keep warm together!

We've got tips to help you build your own nestbox, or you can buy them in a variety of shapes, sizes and colours from the RSPB online shop.

Have fun!