Painted lady on buddleia by Katie Fuller

The weather’s looking a bit unpredictable this weekend, with torrential downpours interspersed with bright sunshine. This isn’t just a pain for those involved in the first days of the athletics but also for wildlife; those birds still clinging to precarious nests, butterflies trying to find a mate, bees in need of nectar.  

Imagine if each rain drop was the size of your head, then imagine travelling under your own power from North Africa to Great Britain. That’s the prospect faced by the painted lady butterfly. If you’re watching the games this weekend spare a thought for this Olympian of the natural world, and if you decide to stretch your legs near a meadow or a nettle patch keep your eyes peeled and you might spot one.   

You can find out how to help your garden wildlife even more at Homes for Wildlife so why not check it out?