LadybirdGive your garden wildlife a treat this weekend by recycling some rubbish into a wildlife hotel.

Also known as a wildlife stack, a wildlife hotel imitates the natural, dark, shady nooks and crannies that garden wildlife needs. By piling up your old cardboard, drinking straws, bricks, stones, straw, hay and lots more, you can create a luxury hotel for your wild visitors.

You can find all the information you need to build a wildlife stack on our website.

It's a great activity for everyone. Kids can get involved and you can build your hotel in whatever style you choose - get creative and have fun!

The best part is, your wildlife stack will bring in insects, frogs, toads and hedgehogs, so it's a great way to see and enjoy wildlife on your doorstep.

Building a wildlife stack is a fun way to step up for nature - and it's free. It's a perfect weekend activity, so enjoy yourselves!

Don't forget, if you love gardening, you can get loads of gardening tips on our Homes for Wildlife blog.

If you decide to build a rubbish hotel, let us know how you get on by joining the community and leaving a comment below.