Who’s picked a blackberry this year? The rest of the time brambles are regarded as weeds and are the source of many a scratched shin, but at this time of year they give something back, a bountiful provision of glossy black fruit. If you just pick the ones at waist height, there should be plenty left for nimble mice and birds to find out of human reach.

Other options for foraging include elderberries (amazing flavour in jams or crumbles), wild strawberries, the blackberry’s more genteel cousin the raspberry, apples, sloes, damsons, beech nuts (get them before the squirrels do) and hazelnuts. You can even try a giant puffball fungus but they have to be new, smooth on the outside and white all the way through.

Things to bear in mind when foraging: 

  • Make sure you can positively identify anything you find before you choose to pick it,
  • if berries have been somewhere that might have received a dog’s territory marking don’t pick them or wash thoroughly
  • and make sure that what you're about to pick doesn’t belong to anyone!

For me there is something really satisfying about walking in the countryside with a handful of fresh berries to browse on. Why not tap into your hunter-gatherer?... well at least the gatherer part.