Red squirrel

Who could fail to love the red squirrel, with its jaunty ear tufts, cheeky demeanour and beautiful chestnut coat? So it's a great pity that they won't be seen in more gardens for this week's Make Your Nature Count.

In the UK, red squirrels can be found mostly in Scotland and a few other places including Northumberland, the Isle of Wight, Anglesey and Formby on Merseyside. It's thought there are fewer than 140,000 left here, but it's not all down to the introduced North American grey squirrel - reds have been affected by disappearing habitat, disease and increasing traffic, too.

So if you're lucky enough to see a red squirrel in your garden, enjoy it - there are millions of other people who'd love to see them, and we're all madly jealous of you!

Find out which RSPB nature reserves are home to red squirrels and where you can see them.