This week, you've got to keep your eyes and ears open. Be alert at all times, wherever you are - especially if you're out shopping. Waxwings are here!

Whatwings? Waxwings. They breed in Scandinavia, snapping up mosquitos in the northern forests, but in winter it's berries they crave - especially red ones. If the Nordic berry crop is poor, they're forced to flee in search of more, which brings them to the UK.

For that reason, waxwings are here in force this year. If you're in the north or near the east coast, you're in luck, as they make landfall here before heading inland, working their way south and west. Montrose is a particular hotspot today, with 280 in town!

You don't have to be a hardcore, nerdy birdwatcher to appreciate waxwings. In fact, I reckon you can't fail to love 'em.

  • Because they spend most of the year in the middle of nowhere, they don't fear people and will happily continue feeding while you watch just feet away. Their desire for berries brings them into towns, with places like supermarket car parks with ornamental bushes being particularly popular
  • They do bright red poos of berry skins
  • They make a delightful sound, like a delicately ringing bell
  • They're sociable and are nearly always seen together in flocks
  • They're beautiful birds - like a feathery powder-puff - with soft, brown plumage, a crest and dark Zorro eye-mask. Their wings are striped with black, white and yellow.

And how did they get their name? Adult male waxwings have little red 'drops' of what looks like bright red sealing wax on some of their wing feathers. It appears to serve no other purpose than looking nice.

So, while you're out and about this weekend, do watch out for waxwings. They'll make your day!

Have you seen them?

Or maybe something else that made you smile? Write a comment (you will need to register first - this is free - then log in). 

  • I'm pleased to report that we saw some waxwings at The Lodge this lunchtime. A flock has been around for the past few days and we had a nice look - and listen - today, not far from the Gatehouse. If you're in the area, why not drop in?

  • I'm pleased to report that we saw some waxwings at The Lodge this lunchtime. A flock has been around for the past few days and we had a nice look - and listen - today, not far from the Gatehouse. If you're in the area, why not drop in?

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