After being a martyr at the beginning of this week and dragging my poor sorry little self into work, I finally gave in to my cold and decided to have a close relationship with my duvet instead. This was fine until I realised that the pile of drugs I had, had run out. Therefore, I wearily got out of bed and walked to the window to assess weather situation. Could I really survive without the bitter taste of yet another lemsip?

I pulled back the curtains and let my eyes adjust to the bright sunlight, before directing my gaze towards the tree just below my window.  I’m always hearing birds singing away but I never actually see the culprits – until now!

I stood there and looked in wonder at a bird I had only ever seen photos off. I kept willing the flighty pair to stay still for just a few moments so that I could confirm my hopes - that the bird I was looking at was a long-tailed tit. As their little feathered bodies bobbed around the branches of the tree, I found myself doing the same thing in an effort to catch sight of them. These definitely win the award for being one of the “cutest” bird species around. With their tiny round bodies and long tails, they almost look like a ball on a stick! They have a very active nature, constantly flitting through trees and bushes, hence why they didn’t stay still in my presence,

In those few minutes, I forgot about the stinking cold I had, and just gazed down at the 2 little birds on a branch. There they sat chirping away regardless of the pleasure they had just afforded me.