Joining in with the Big Garden Birdwatch isn’t just a really fun thing to do: it’s really easy too! Here are some simple steps you can take to really get the best out of it – for you, for us and for nature.

House sparrow. Image by Ben Andrew (

  1. Decide on a good place to spend an hour watching your garden on 27, 28 or 29 January 2018.

    Is there one particular window that gives a good view? Get yourself nice and comfortable, and why not have a hot drink and a snack within reach too. Don’t forget somewhere that will allow you to make a note of what you spot during your hour’s watch! Check our website for a useful counting tool to help you keep track of what you see. If you don’t have a garden then don’t worry. Just head over to a local park or other favourite green space: you can join in there.

  2. Now comes the interesting bit!

    Sit back and spend an hour watching the birds that come and visit. We need to know the maximum number of each bird species that you see at any one time. In other words, if you see, say, a group of four starlings together, then later on you see a group of two and then maybe after that just another one, then the number of starlings that you would submit to us is four. We do it this way to reduce the likelihood of people just double-counting the same birds.

  3. Now we want to hear all about it.

    Visit the Big Garden Birdwatch website and tell us what you’ve seen.

  4. And… that’s it.

    We told you it was simple! We hope it will also be a fun experience, and we are very grateful to RSPB citizen scientists like you, who are helping us find out more about garden wildlife. It really does play a significant part in our mission, making sure that we do everything we can to give nature a home.

For more on our science, check out the RSPB Centre for Conservation Science web pages.