Many of you got in touch with the correct answers to our Christmas quiz. The five lucky winners of Birds - Their Hidden World can be viewed on our main site

If any of you answered with a niggling sense of doubt, here are the official answers to all fifteen questions:

1) Robin. In fact this popular nickname for postmen led to robins being used in all kinds of Christmas paraphernalia; letters, stamps, wrapping paper, ornaments.  

2) A.pig. Or wild boar if we're being precise.   

3) B.antlers. In most populations the males loose their antlers in spring and the females in summer. The impressive antlers of the male reindeer are second only to the moose in size.   

4) a parasite on other trees. While mistletoe does make some of it's own food from sunlight like other plants, it saps water and nutrients from the host tree and stunts it's growth.  

5) C.blackbird. In old English a colliery is a coal mine. Colly in this instance refers to the colour of the blackbirds as they appear to have been covered in coal soot. 

Can you tell what it is?

6) Robin

7) Snowflake

8) Christmas tree needles

9) Brussels sprouts

10) Reindeer


11) EDOVRTLETU = Turtledove

12) AAPNDLL = Lapland

13) TRNTEBI = Bittern

14) YLLEUOG = Yulelog

15) GHOEHEGD = Hedgehog

Thanks to all who entered!