
Water shrew. Image by wildlifewanderer ( five years ago (I didn't realise it had been so long!), I wrote a blog post about looking for a mystic creature with black fur, ad long tail and red-tipped teeth.

A water shrew.

Whilst I was reliably informed they did exist, my own experiences suggested otherwise! I even wrote another post three years ago, as my quest to see the UK's largest shrew continued.

Fast forward to today. An email pops up informing all those on the list my nemesis is happily swimming around a pond, almost on my route to the canteen. It seems to good to be true!

But this time, this glorious time, there he (or she) is. Brazen as you like. Swimming round a little pond, a crowd of onlookers has already assembled as the shrew dives, ducks and weaves amongst the pond weed, hunting for its lunch. Success at last !

It had to happen. I was always confident - honest guv!

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